

Belleville, IL


May 4

How many years have you been running?

Off and on for about 5 years

What is your goal race for the year?

Spirit of the Osage - 50K

What is your greatest running accomplishment?

Sub-4 hour time at 2006 London Marathon

What is your "ultimate dream" running goal?

Marathon de Sable

Possible Metatarsal Stress Fracture???

During Wednesday's run, I felt a slight twinge climbing a small incline. However, considering it didn't last for more than a few seconds I didn't give it any further thought. A little more pain off and on during Thursday's easy run, so I laid off completely on Friday. Unfortunately, that doesn't appear to have been enough. Today was supposed to be a 20+ over slightly rolling terrain and by 6 miles my foot was not happy.

I've tried walking around a bit today with different…
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Climatizing to the Summer Heat/Humidity

Living in the mid-west the transition from Spring to Summer has not been gradual. In early May we were running temps 10-degrees below normal, but by the end of the month this had change to 10-degrees above normal. I've taken to running in the early morning to avoid the heat of the day, but the humidity at that time is nearly as oppressive (90%+). How do others maintain training during this transition period?
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