Robyn Sorenson's Posts (1)

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Preventing Back Pain When Running

I've been running since I was 12 years old. 20 years later I am STILL running and totally addicted. At 11 years old, I was diagnosed with severe scoliosis and put into a back brace. These days, I have been told that running can make a back problem worse. These are not words you want to hear as a runner when you have become addicted to a sport. So, after a little research and trial and error, I have found a  few ways to keep back pain at bay to continue doing what I love. 


I know, you've heard it all before! Stretch before you exercise. But most runner's only stretch their legs and usually do it BEFORE they run. Stretch your ENTIRE body (specifically legs and back) before AND after running. Do this for at least 10 minutes each time and you will be shocked at the difference in soreness when you wake up the next morning. 

Watch Where You Run

Avoid the sidewalk like the plague! The ideal place for you to run is in the grass or on a softer surface than concrete. The "give" in the grass works as a shock absorber for your back and provides less jarring. Be careful when running in the grass and watch closely for holes and small hills that may be covered by longer blades.

Lift Weights

Strength training will not only improve you run and posture but you will also notice that you FEEL better, your back doesn't hurt as much and you won't mind the way your muscles look after a few weeks! Lifting weights can have the opposite effect and could make pain worse so start out very slowly to avoid furthering any injures. 

Robyn Sorenson is a fitness model, mother of 2 and manages her site to help provide exercise information.

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