

Aliso Viejo, CA


July 10

How many years have you been running?


What is your goal race for the year?

LA Marathon

What is your greatest running accomplishment?

LA Marathon

What is your "ultimate dream" running goal?

to run pain free and get rid of my Achilles Tendonitis of 5 years!

Hi I am so excited to have been given The Cool Impossible by my friend for my birthday this summer.  I've been battling Achilles Tendonitis for 5 years now, and have tried literally EVERYTHING possible to fix it, but it still plagues me. 

In the meantime, I ran my first Marathon in 2010, my second in 2011, and two half marathons in between, skipping 2012 because I just didn't feel I could do it again with pain....I've been running (and I use the term loosely...more like slow…

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