

Camillus, NY

How many years have you been running?


What is your goal race for the year?

Mountian Goat 10 miler

What is your greatest running accomplishment?

Empire State 1/2 Marathon

What is your "ultimate dream" running goal?

Trail running in the Tetons

My first real Mountain Run

This week I had the good fortune of being up in Acadia and decided to head out on my own for a hike/run. In the past two weeks I've been rereading Born to Run and reading for the first time Eat & Run and I was hoping to capture some of the fun in running. To be honest I get horribly bored running on the road, and I was really looking forward to being in the woods and the mountains. My plan was to run/hike Gorham Mountain, but at the last minute I decided to tack on Beehive as well- which…

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How to Train for a New Kind of Race

School is finally over and that means I suddenly have time not only to train in earnest, but blog about it too! I've been a bit "meh" about the races I have coming up, because they are all ones I've done before. Lot's of local 5k's and they are all pretty much road races as that's really what's popular in this area. In talking to my uncles (all former marathoners) at a party this weekend a new race was brought to my attention - the Monster Marathon. It's exactly the kind of race I want to…

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