Karen Savage's Posts (2)

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Here I Go - Update!

Well, I haven't posted anything since deciding to try running again.  As I said, I felt particularly unfit and still had the chronic remnants of many injuries received over the years.  Reading Eric's book really inspired me but I realised my feet were in a terrible state from many, many years of wrong shoes and NEVER walking barefoot!  The answer came in the form of Eric's 6 week beginners course.  I am now 4 weeks into it......and LOVING running!  This is a completely new experience for me.......I can't wait to get out at the end of the day  (my dogs also say thank you Eric :)).  In fact, I think I now have a bit of tendonitis in my flexor halluces longus, (probably been overdoing the slant board whilst training), and I am having real problems resting it......I just want to run!  I was very good for a couple of days and then....my B2R shoes arrived.......couldn't help myself........thought I'd just go for a walk and try short jogs, just to see how they felt.....you know?  Well ended up running for 30mins!  Back to ice and anti-inflammatories!

Anyway I just wanted to say a very big thank you Eric.  I may only be taking baby steps, but it feels how I always thought running should!!!

A little aside - I have also changed my diet in a fairly major way and between running and diet I have been able to reduce my anti-hypertensives by half!  Hoping to prove all the medics wrong and be off them by the end of the year!

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Here I go!

Well, I've made the decision.....to try again! Here I am 52yrs old, hypertensive and never managed to run more than 7kms without injury! Most of the time I spent trying to run was with teeth gritted, just trying to finish! BUT.....I have this urge to run! I had finally given up trying and then I read your book. I now realise how little strength I have in my feet and legs and, because of this my form is more like a crab in reverse! So, here goes....strength training and trying to improve form by some short barefoot runs (very short at the moment!) before starting phase 1 of the programme. One question though - if I am doing the drills, how often and how long should I spend on them? Ultimate goal (dream) - to run a 50miler! Oops, maybe I'm aiming a little high HaHa! Oh well back to training...watch this space!

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