



February 14

How many years have you been running?


What is your goal race for the year?

Transgrancanaria 2015 (44 km)

What is your greatest running accomplishment?

4th place in Marka24 - 24 hour orienteering race

What is your "ultimate dream" running goal?

Winning Transgrancanaria

TCI - Week 1 Phase 1 done

Week 1 Phase 1


Yesterday I did the long run concluding week 1 of my TCI-journey. Quite fun to follow a specific and professional training plan for the first time of my life. Since I did a short 9,3 km trail-race on wednesday (finished 9th out of 60!) I had to alter this weeks program a little. Had an average bpm of 191 during the race, and legs felt heavy the next 3 days. Therefor I spent a total of 9 days to complete week 1, as I…

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