

Wal Wal, Victoria


March 13

How many years have you been running?

Off and on since 17

What is your goal race for the year?

100km trail

What is your greatest running accomplishment?

21km I think

What is your "ultimate dream" running goal?

Don't have one, just enjoy it

Today's run thoughts

Ok so I was going to do a 30k run before my op in just over a weeks time, but looks like I'll have to put up with today's 18.5k, not complaining though I simply ran put of time not motivation :)Today's thoughts - mostly... bow and arrow, cowboy and lasoo, bow and arrow bow and arrow... Step over the log, step over the log, bow and arrow ha!Then there were some others... My shadow provided an interesting tool to check my form at times. Dropping my arms low seemed to help me keep straight, I…
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Ok sorry to mention Kangaroos again but....  I went for a longer run on Saturday as I try to do and on my merry way I came across a heap of roos, bounce bounce bounce, hmmm I started thinking about Erics description of running and how we are basically jumping (hope I have that right) Now roos are very graceful when they are going full swing and it looks effortless, their body is basically motionless and they just swing through with the legs, which optimises their energy retention (just like…

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Morning run ritual - why I love it

545 the alarm goes off, out of bed sneaking around so i dont wake the little one, lots of water, shave, get changed into my gear, shorts and a merino tshirt for the current chilly mornings and a beanie for the first 1/2k or so, pat the dogs on the way out and then crunch crunch on the gravel under starlight as I walk out to our gravel rd, Mudlarks calling and a couple of magpies somewhere out in the way yonder... My eyes are getting accustomed to the dark and I quickly walk to a tree that…

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Thanks calves hello run again

So after my little experiment and a couple of short runs and walks to allow my calves to like me again ran 5k again this morning, brilliant to be back on track and this time I'll ease into the technique change a bit more :). Bush bash across the ridge line at a spot in the grampians tomorrow morning to give myself a decent work out, great view and a challenge, fun stuff to give an all body work out... well that's the excuse anyway! Hope to do a 30k trail run nearby before end of March and my…
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In the middle

Well I won't say in the beginning as I've been running off and on for a long time... I run to keep up my fitness, keep outside, and purely because I enjoy it... I have now decided that I'd like to run longer distances and am aiming at doing a 100km trail run later in the year, I'm confident as I can plod along all day but then I read a book "born to run" it led me to coming across a couple of you tube clips of 'Erics' I decided to give to see on my next run if I could replicate the technique…
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