David Szymanski's Posts (1)

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You're way tougher than you think you are

I have really enjoyed learning from others on this site and I appreciate the "journal" type entries that Thomas, Dustin, Keith, Space Girl and others have posted. I thought I'd post a quick one.In the May, 2005 issue of Men's Journal, Eric noted that, "The brain tends to be overprotective of the body." This is me. My biggest fear has been over-reaching and getting injured. I've had a few experiences in the past where I've started to train very intensely and got injured.When I signed up with Eric, I was nervous as a loose hen with the coyotes howling in the distance.This week, Eric put me through what most of you would not consider particularly hard. For me, the sequence - running, mountain biking, and strength training - was tough on my body. It didn't fatigue me. Rather, it caused significant muscle soreness. But, I decided that I was going to trust that my body could take it. This doesn't mean that I ignored soreness. I've had the usual suite of aches and pains - IT band, plantar fasciitis, an achilles tweak that likes to remind me it's there. I watch these like a hawk, using the foam roller, taking cold baths, stretching. My weak spot has always been my right hip and glute region. The work this week gave me a hot spot, but I dug into it ferociously with a tennis ball and woke up this morning feeling better.The crazy thing is, I finished this week feeling better than I started it. Lower back pain that has been chronic - if not acute - has been diminishing with Eric's core work. The IT band is limbering up as the glutes take over. The hip is taking the work load and coming back for more. The foot strength and stretching seems to have my PF on the mend.Biggest breakthrough was yesterday. I was run-down, but climbed on the bike for a 2-hour recovery ride. Ended feeling better than I started.I am hesitant to make any predictions. This is week 1 of a fairly low-intensity base period. But, for me it was a big step into the unknown in terms or variety and volume. I just offer this up in case anyone is looking for something positive. There are so many posts on the web about nagging injuries, postponed desires, broken hearts and bodies. People rarely write about the positive ... they just go run or ride. This site is different. Even those who are facing some serious physical challenges (and I am not one of them) are upbeat.Thanks to all of you for your posts. Keep on posting!
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