Karen Blackert's Posts (13)

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Reflections on 2014

As I sit here today thinking about 2014 and dreaming about 2015, I started to get frustrated. I realized I have not accomplished my 2013 nor my 2014 Cool Impossibles. At first I let negativity take over. I could choose to see myself as a loser, a pathetic excuse of a runner who's too weak to accomplish her goals. But then I flipped my thinking around. Sure, its still a bummer that I didn't achieve my CI's, but in the last 2 years, with the help of Eric's book and this wonderful community, I would consider myself vastly smarter, more patient, and more aware of my body. I'm amazed at some of the things I thought my 38-yr-old body wouldn't/couldn't do. I also like to think that I helped my dad begin to challenge himself. 

I continue to remain excited about my CI. I know I will do it . All the struggles I've been through will make the accomplishment so much sweeter.

Happy New Year everyone!! Make it a great 2015!!

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Turn and Burn Duathlon report

I've just recently started looking into duathlons. About a month ago I found one that was a sprint distance on mountain bike trails. I tentatively drove up this morning, not sure how I was going to do, especially nervous about how fast the times from last year were. I know I shouldn't care about my time but if I'm honest, there is a small part of that doesn't want to be dead last. But someone's gotta be right?

We had lots of rain yesterday and I thought they might cancel the race. Nope, on a scheduled!! My dad and I drove up there in chilly and windy weather. (The rain brought in a cold front.) We got my bike set up in the transition area, attended the pre-race meeting, and walked down to the starting line. The race director yells, "Go!" and within 30 seconds, I was the last runner. But once I got on the trails, I didn't care. I was loving the temps (once I warmed up!) The sun was shining through yellow and orange leaves and it was so beautiful!! I was reminded that I just LOVE being on trails, whether I'm running, biking, or backpacking.  The 1st run was a 5k on a loop that we would do again during some of the bike portion. I started hearing a bike behind me and I was thinking, "Surely no one's finished and already lapping me!?" I turned to look and the guy says, "You're fine, I'm just the sweeper."      Further reiteration that I was last. But I promised myself I would run my own race, so I continued to go at my pace. I felt great on the mountain biking leg, 16k of single track with only short uphill climbs and I began to catch up to people. I was still one of the last people into the transition area to switch back to running, but I was also still grinning. I was having so much fun and felt a little like a bad ass, since I wasn't totally sure that I could do it. I finished strong and ended up being 2nd female in my age group!! HA! I've already looked up the next one that I want to do. I think this is just the kick in the butt my training needed. 

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Go Daddy

No, not the Danica Patrick version! I'm talking about my father. He is a big part of the reason that I've been a runner for almost 23 years. He has been a runner since he was 13 years old- he's told me stories of taking a lawn mower to a field across the street from where he lived and mowing a personal track, hidden among the tall weeds. He says that he loved to go run and run after school, where no one could see him, the smell of the sweet hay filling his nose, and all his worries would temporarily disappear. He was super supportive of me when I decided to start running in high school. He read Born To Run and passed it along to me. I read The Cool Impossible and passed it along to him. He is now 69 years old and completing Phase One of Eric's plan for the second time. Before Eric's plan, my dad suffered from a lot of pulled muscles in his 50's and early 60's. I think he had started to accept that his running was going to be like this forever. He tentatively started Eric's plan and didn't seem to get the results he wanted. There was improvement; no more pulled muscles and my dad was back on a regular exercise routine. But he's always wanted to complete an Ironman. Now that he's on his second trip through Phase One, he's seeing more improvement, LOVING the speed workouts, and that excitement is back in his voice when we talk about our running. It makes me so happy to see that light back in his eyes!! Thank you, Eric!!

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Starting Over

Alright, I’m going to admit something that I would rather not, but in the interest of being smarter and improving my running, I feel it is necessary. I read TCI last year and jumped right into Phase 1. But, Karen, you don’t have a HR monitor. “That’s ok”, I said to myself, “I can run based on feel.” Bad idea #1. 6 weeks into Phase 1 my heel and arch started feeling tight and sore. “I’m sure that’ll go away.” Bad idea #2. Continued to train, since the pain was only bad first thing in the morning and some evenings after teaching all day. Bad idea #3. Then one day after a 15 miler, I was hobbling around with pain and tightness that almost brought me to tears. “This is ridiculous”, I thought. “Stop being so stupid and fix the problem.” Yes, I wanted to run that 50K, but at what cost? If I want to be a life-long runner, I've got to take better care of myself. I've took 2 weeks off running, cycling instead. I gradually started to run again, alternating running and cycling. Oh, and I bought an HR monitor. (Insert sheepish grin here.) After only wearing it a few times, I realized that I was NOT running in the zones I should have been. It totally explains where my plantar fasciitis came from. At first I was really pissed off at myself for being so stupid. But I quickly realized that wasn't going to help me heal and improve. I have embraced starting over. There’s something exciting about starting fresh again. Has my training been cut WAY back? Yes, but I know I’ll get back up to those long runs that I love so much. Will I run that 50K this year? Probably not, but that doesn't mean I won’t run it eventually. I guess my CI has changed into a restorative goal versus a performance goal. It’s not what I was originally going for, but that’s what it is. Nothing I can do about it now, but learn from the experience and grow. (And not be so stubborn in the future!!) I am starting over and I’m OK with that.

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My 2014 Cool Impossibles

I’ve had a tough time developing my Cool Impossibles for 2014. Back in November and early December I was stressing WAY too much over it. Lori Enlow asked me, “If you had nothing to consider what would you LOVE to be able to do this year?” My answer: I. Don’t. Know. Do I want to go faster? Farther? Steeper? Arg!! Which really freaked me out, since I plan EVERYTHING. And then I finally told myself to stop obsessing over it and just let it happen.

And it did, midway through Phase One of Eric’s training program.  I started to find I actually liked the speedwork. I have assumed for many, many years that I was just a slow runner and worked only on distance. But now I’m seeing that I CAN run fast (well, for me) and I want to see how fast I can get. My best 5K time was in cross country in high school. 26:14. At the time I thought that was slow, but I’d give anything to be able to run that fast again! So CI #1 is a 25:00 5K this year. I still love distance and trail running so goal #2 is a 50K completion. Speed AND distance? I must be crazy! Well, I don’t plan on working on them at the same time. I’ll finish Eric’s training plan in his book in the middle of February. That gives me 14 or 15 weeks to work on speed before I start my training phase for my 50K.

Will I make it? I don’t know. (And I’m finally ok with that!) Will I enjoy working towards my goals? You bet your ass I will!

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Pondering my 2014 CI

My CI last year was a 50K in October. I ended up with a stress fracture in July and by the time I healed I didn't have time to finish training for the 50K. Bummer. SO I thought about making my 2014 CI the same race, but it seems a little lame. Also, there's been a voice in the back of my head (probably Eric's!) telling me that I haven't truly declared a Cool Impossible. See, the whole time I was planning my 50K training, I didn't have doubts of finishing. I'm a finisher- come hell or high water, I finish something I start. In the 9th grade I stupidly decided to play basketball. My coach, probably based on pity, let me on the team. I am a horrible basketball player. I played a total of 2 minutes the WHOLE SEASON!! Needless to say, I cried most nights on my way home, frustrated that I sucked so bad and it seemed no matter how hard I tried and how much I practiced I couldn't get any better. It tore my mother up to watch me go through this and for the first time ever, she gave me permission to quit. Of course, I stubbornly refused to quit and stuck it out until the end. But I learned a lot about myself that season. That no matter how much something sucked, I could finish something I started.  My first week long backpacking trip was the same- I had brought an ill-fitting pair of boots and 2 days in I sat down on the trail, in tears, swearing that I couldn't hike another step in those boots. My dad said if we could make it to the next road crossing, he'd call my mom to come pick us up. I refused to go home early. I took my boots off, put my Chacos on, and finished the trip. I estimate I hiked about 100 miles in those sandals!

Sorry, I think I've veered a bit from my original thought...It has taken me until today to wrap my head around what a true CI is. And it scares the hell out of me. I don't like to be outside of my comfort zone. But I get it- that's Eric's point. We grow when we do something we thought we couldn't.

It gives me butterflies in my stomach now when I think about my CI. Because I know I need to choose something that will challenge me. I will definitely do at least one 50K in 2014, but I no longer see it as my CI. I'm nervously researching 50-milers near me (in NC). I can't even believe I just typed that, because when I first told people I was going to run a 50K, people would hear me wrong and say, "50 miles!!!" And I'd say, "No, 50 kilometers...50 miles would be crazy!" Ha! By a weird coincidence I read a quote yesterday that said, "If people think you're crazy you might be on the verge of greatness." So how does that work if I think I'm crazy?

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First Trail Run in the Dark

I haven't been on trails in months. I had high hopes of running on the US Whitewater Center trails this morning. I thought the previous day's rain would close their trails, so I was already planning to run the mountain bike trails down the road. But I forgot about the time change last night. Because I knew my children would wake up at their normal time (i.e. what would be an hour earlier this morning) I went ahead and got up at my normal time, instead of enjoying that extra hour of sleep. I wasn't thinking about how dark it would be, but I thought to bring a light with me as I went out the door. Glad I did! And in hindsight, I'm glad I ended up on the bike trails down the road. I know them inside and out, which is definitely a good thing when running in the dark! I've run the Whitewater Center trails, but I don't know them that well. I had a pretty good run, probably slower than usual, but I was trying to be careful about tripping in the dark. I got a laugh out of thinking what my non-running friends would say. But I figure if I have goals of running 50K and 50mi ultras, I'm going to need some experience trail running in the dark. It's funny  how things work out sometimes!

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While attempting a 20-miler this past Sunday my right foot started REALLY hurting after 9 miles. I had felt great so far, and was puzzled by the sudden pain. But this was the kind of pain I knew I shouldn't try to "run through". After reading up on the kind of pain and the location, I've come to find that I probably have a fracture of my 3rd metatarsal. I icing and resting, anxious to know when I can get back out there. I certainly don't want to push things too quickly and re-injury. But I'll be brutally honest with my thoughts right now. I'm worried I'll gain weight, I'm worried I won't be able to train to run the 50K I wanted to run in October, I'm worried I'll go crazy not running, and I'm worried I'll re-injury once I can get back to running. ARGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anybody's experiences and advise are welcome. I'm so frustrated right now!!!!!!

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A Pleasant Surprise

Ever since I watched Eric's videos on running form, I've wanted to get a look at my own.  But I've also been embarrassed to ask anyone to take video/pictures of me running. I know that's silly but I've rarely enjoyed getting my photo taken. That's beside the point. I was finishing my long run yesterday; feeling pretty good. I realized I was running by a building that sat lower than the sidewalk I was on. I was able to see my reflection clearly in the windows and I expected to see poor form. I've worked really hard in the last few months on my form- I was really bad about getting tired at the end of a long run and getting slumpy and shuffle-y. But yesterday's reflection showed me some dang good form. It was just the boost I needed to get the rest of the way home. (Secretly, I wished I could've watched myself for longer!) So that settles it. I'm going to ask someone (probably hubby) to take a few videos of me so I can tweak my form even more. Maybe if I get REALLY brave, I'll post them!

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The Birth of My Mantra

I "accidentally" created my mantra this past weekend. Towards the end of my long run, I was worrying about a long hill climb. I reminded myself that my reserves go much deeper than I think. I also reminded myself that I have control over my state of mind and I don't need any extra energy/muscle to adjust my state of mind. And so my mantra was born: Deep reserves, state of mind. I didn't chant it to my cadence, which I normally like to do. I just said it slowly and evenly. I felt much more focused and calm. When I got to the hill, it was no problem at all!! I felt like I flowed up it like the wind! When I realized that I was already at the top (and felt FANTASTIC!), I couldn't stop smiling- I bet some of the people driving by thought I was nuts! I never knew how much enjoyment I could get from my running and myself. As a bit of a perfectionist, I've spent too many years telling myself that I didn't run hard enough, fast enough, or far enough. I'm finally learning to challenge myself in a way that is positive and self-building. Geez- and it only took 21 years of running to get there! Well, my mother always said I was hard-headed. I hope I can learn future lessons a little more quickly! :)

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with trail running! I have pretty much been a road runner for over 20 years. Since I have decided to run a 50k trail race in October, I figured it would be a good idea to start running on trails. I'm lucky to be only about 20 minutes away from the US White Water Center, so I drove up there Sunday morning to try out the trails. I took my first few steps and fell COMPLETELY in love!! I've always been an avid backpacker, so I love being on trails, and during my run I kept asking myself why in the world I had never tried running on them before now!! I had only planned on doing one loop, but I felt so good when I finished, I turned right around and ran the loop backwards. I honestly considered running it a third time, but I didn't bring enough fuel and hydration for a run that long, so I figured I should end on a high note. My mantra for this run? What I lack in speed, I make up with pure joy! Not a mantra that coordinates with my cadence, but it made me smile over and over again. :)

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Where's the bottom?!

Wow. I'm really starting to get it. I get what Eric is talking about.  I feel what Eric is talking about. Now, the distances I'm going to share with you aren't awe-inspiring or anything like that, but its the "A-ha" moment for me that prompts me to write about my running this past weekend. So... with a little encouragement from Lori, I've decided to train for a 50K. Its brought a whole new level of excitement and nervousness to my running. I've researched a lot of different training plans out there and have begun to put one together that fits my schedule. Some of the plans encourage a long run on the weekend, followed the next day with a tempo run of about half the distance. My understanding is the Saturday run is supposed to make me tired for the next day, so that I get used to running even when my legs are tired. I finished 12 miles Sat morning and felt pretty darn good! I knew, though, that I probably had a more difficult run coming Sun morning. Got up Sun and stared to warm up. My legs were telling me they were tired and immediately I wanted to revert to my all too comfortable pace and take it easy.  But I knew the purpose of Sunday's run. All I had to do was tell myself that this is how I'm supposed to feel, that the real training was what I did with this feeling. And it was if I flipped a switch! I didn't care that I felt a little tired. I focused on good form and running like I was enjoying myself. And I did enjoy myself! I was able to pull my thoughts away from how my body felt and go much deeper. I was thinking, "Look at how great I am feeling! I thought I was really going to have to dig deep to make it through this run. I had to dig a little, but only a little. I realize my reserves go much deeper than I ever thought. How much more can I accomplish? Where's my limit? Where's the bottom?" Holy crap I'm super excited! :)

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My Cool Impossible

Ok, people. I have mostly been lurking around Eric's site, reading all the great posts from people, an occassional comment/like. It's time for me to be more involved. I have been a runner for 21 years, running lots of 5k's and 10k's and one marathon. I read BTR about 18 months ago and it set me on fire! I have such a renewed love for running- its taken me out of a routine/rut! I've been running in minimalist shoes for 14-15 months, slowly increasing my distance. I run anywhere from 18-30 miles a week, with a 12.5 mile long run at the moment. I'm so inspired by all the ultrarunners' stories, that I've been thinking about running 40 miles on my 40th birthday, which is July 2016. I guess that's my Cool Impossible. The only "training/coaching" I've ever had was either what I could put together from running sites or advise from my father, a runner for 55 years!! I'm very interested in purchasing a training program from Eric, but not sure where I should start. I'm not a beginner, but I'm also not an ultrarunner (...well...not yet, anyway:)) For people that have used Eric's training programs, what recommendations do you have. Where should I start? Eric, I'd be honored if you were able to weigh in, as well, but I know you're extremely busy with the NEW BOOK TOUR!! Thanks, in advance!

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