David Emilsson's Posts (9)

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Trails of Öland, Sweden

So I was out the other day in day light and managed to snap some shots on my way in this no-snowing-winter-weather. Feel the fresh air? Doing an easy run so I my cell phone ready to take som pictures along the way.

10059093293?profile=originalUp, up the trail we go.

10059093686?profile=originalThe sun is about to set in the woods. Magical lighting. Snow melting.

10059093477?profile=originalA shot of what remains of a castle from the 17th century. Quite majestic running past it. Sorry for the blurriness, but the sun is about to set so there isn't much light.

Here's a birds view of it (my shot is from the woods below the castle on the left side in this picture):

10059094457?profile=original(thank you Jan-Åke for lending me the photo :)

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Interesting race in my neighborhood

So, who's up for a run as long as you can race? Happening in my neighborhood. The Wings for life world run, a charity event to run for those who can't. http://www.wingsforlifeworldrun.com/en/locations/oeland/facts/#map-202

From the web page: "100% of the proceeds from the event will go to the Wings for Life foundation, which funds research into curing spinal cord injury. The run will unite athletes around the world, in one race running for those who can’t!"

So, I'm thinking: might be I nice start of next year's season. And if my running can make someone elses life better, well there's a nice catch to that. Anyone else in? If you can't come to my neighborhood, maybe somewhere else in the world? There are 35 locations to sign up for and we all run at the same time :)

In my last post I told you I was waiting for snow, and you know what. I'm still waiting although we had a blizzard for one day, but that snow cleared away quite quickly. Did a 10+ mile run in the blizzard. Wasn't mean't to go IN the blizzard but it arrived so quickly that I ended up right in the middle of it. No worries though as I was running in civilized areas. Since, the temperature has dropped to 26 F and been like that for a week with a freezing wind (as I live on an island it's always windy). So I have had to adjust my gear for colder temperatures.

It's a great feeling to get out for a run independent of the weather (as long as you are prepared and don't go out beeing stuborn and stupid, mother nature can be harsh...). After the blizzard run I felt stronger.

That's all for now




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Sweden calling rainman

This winter is not providing the weather we usually have. All December and January we've had a temperature around 37-45 F and it's been rainy and wet. Usually this time of the year we have snow and the temperature can easily drop to 5 F... That was what I prepared my mind for (and gear, as I bought ice grippers to fit my shoes, but hey, havn't had to use them). So without the snow it's been really dark and gloomy. So happy thoughts is my guiding light and motivation. Do not surrender to the elements.The other day I brought my dog running with me. Doing hill training. 10x up and down. Confusing my dog a bit as he's only been with me on my easy runs. Anyway, it feels great beeing on the run again haha after my disapointment in December, when I was feeling pain in my FHL. With Eric's advice it's really working! Doing foot excersices before my runs and massage my calves afterwards. A big thaaank you, Eric!So I intend to step in to the foundation program next week. Just waiting for my running watch to arrive (havn't used a HR monitor before, just Runkeeper on my iphone). Really excited to do the tests!Meanwhile I'm doing the foot excersises, working on form and Mantra knee drive. Also been doing some swimming, like a mile or so, twice a week. In the water my mind relaxes and just concentrating on my breathing. I feel free.Greetings from a really wet part of Sweden!CU
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Bring it on

Ok, lesson learned. Plan for recovery. Note taken. Took a first run since two weeks back. Just to see what it feels like in my calves. Just a short, slow 3,5 km. Warming up with Erics slant board excercises. (Have I mentioned that I really appretiated your book?!) Writing this a couple of hours later and the feeling is ok. I'm really going to do as you recommended in my last post.I've had some time to think about my cool impossible for next year... So I'm looking forward to running injury free, completing Erics program in the CI, fully transitioned to a forefoot strike and take at least one of my runs with my wife. AND next autumn running Lidingöloppet, a 30k crosscountry race. http://www.lidingoloppet.se/en-GB/ I havn't raced before, as I like to run solo, competing against myself and clearing my mind, so this will be a new challenge.So I'll be seeing you out there the next couple of months.CU
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Fourth week *In recover mode*

Ok, so I started off a little hard. So I over worked my FHL... What to do, what to do... Head on to some alternative training. Jumping in the water to do some swimming instead. Feels ok, although I miss the running, but want to feel well in my calves/FHL til Christmas as I scheduled a run with my father in law then.Keep your fingers crossed!CU
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Thought this was going well... Took a short run before my first day of excercise this week. Ok, no probs. Felt good, working on my transition from mid to forefoot. Slant board excercises next. Next day I was feeling sore in the flexor hallucis longus. Damn, and I think I'm taking it slow. Also a bit sore in my right shoulder, so I'll take a break from upper body excercises this week. Just to cool it down a bit. Did my slant board excercises again today. Feeling better in my calves. Have to focus on working to my ability... I really want this to work. Anyone else with a history with sore flexor hallucis longus, and worked your way past this?
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Ok, so I've finished my second week of strength training. Still working out at a total of 4 days this week of training (2 days with the slant board feet/lower body excercises and 2 days with the fitball upper body excercises. Alternating feet/upper body/rest/feet/upper body/rest, eeh, you know the drill). And wow, I can already feel the power of the excercises. They seem so naive and simple in the book, but the slant board really does it.

So, I'm heading into third week, confident that these excercises really work, and I'm inspired to master the drills. Also focused on not doing too much too quickly.

Though I may add som light running this week to start the transition phase. I'm not a full heel striker but have som transitioning to do to be a forefoot runner. Which is my intention to be. I think this is the right path.


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After first week of strength training


Feeling positive after completing my first week of strenght training, focusing on my feet. Taking a break in my running at the same time, as I have a history of tightness/pain in my achilles tendons and flexor hallucis longus. Hope to say good bye to that. Worked feet and barbell one day and upper body excercises the other. All toghether 4 days last week. Goal is to be persistant, as I love running but hate strength excercising.

This week: no running, strength excercise as last week.

Next week: light running (if I can wait that long), strength excercise


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